KOLKATA: Members of the Asian Front of Human Rights (AFHR) visited Canning Sub divisional hospital on 15 August for distributing fruits among the patients. Mr Vijay Singh, general secretary of the AFHR said they have spoken to several patients and employees of the hospital and came to know about several problems of the hospital
including shortage of nurses and doctors. "There is lack of infrastructural support in the hospital. Few thousands people of the Sunderbans areas depend on this hospital but there is no essential pathological equipments and medicine available in the government run hospital. People have to visit private pathological lab for clinical test. More cleaning staffs are required and number of beds should be increased," said Mr Singh. Hospital requires more ceiling fans, he said. AFHR will write health minister and chief minister regarding this matter.
Pix: Mr Vijay Singh, general secretary of Asian Front of Human Rights distributing fruits in the ward of the Canning Sub divisional hospital.